Master thesis

General thesis information

For the old programme (students enrolled before 2023-2024):

The thesis work is an integrated part of the Oceans and Lakes Master Programme which is credited for 30 ECTS. Thesis guidelines can be downloaded through this link: click here.  

For the new programme: (students enrolled as of 2023-2024):

The thesis work is an integrated part of the Oceans and Lakes Master Programme which is credited for 27 ECTS. It is preceded by a literature review of 3 ECTS. Thesis guidelines can be downloaded through this link: click here

Thesis templates

  • Template for frontpage of the thesis: click here.
  • Logo of Oceans and Lakes to be used on the thesis: click here.

Thesis topics

Lecturers of the Oceans and Lakes programme, as well as researchers from the associated research groups send out the topics for the master thesis each year at the end of October. These are made available through the Matix system. All the details of the topics are mentioned on Matix. Supervisors must organize seperate information moments about their topics. This can be done in person or online. Students sign in for the information moments via Matix. For the proposed thesis topics, we do not work on a first come first served basis. Students must pick their top 3 of topics, and send a motivation for each of them, through the Matix system.

Although possible thesis topics are suggested by supervisors, own initiaves of students are also supported when fitting in the programme's research frameworks.

Master thesis previous years:

Abstract Books:
An abstract book is a compilation of all abstracts of the Master Thesis of the students. You can find them by year:

Master Thesis 2012
Master Thesis 2013
Master Thesis 2014
Master Thesis 2015
Master Thesis 2016
Master Thesis 2017   
Master Thesis 2018
Master Thesis 2019
Master Thesis 2020
Master Thesis 2021
Master Thesis 2022
Master Thesis 2023
Master Thesis 2024

Watch this video that our student Louise Delhaye made about her participation to the expedition to Antarctica on the BAP Carrasco (research vessel). Louise did an assessment of the heavy metal pollution in the Bransfield Strait.
Watch a video by Laura Agusto, Oceans and Lakes alumna, about her master thesis: